Make a Planned Gift
Planned Gifts to Orlando Health help secure a legacy of excellent medical care for our patients and families throughout Central Florida. There are a number of life-changing areas you can choose to support, including services for children and adults across a variety of healthcare needs.
For a full listing of programs and facilities where your gift can make a difference, we encourage you to contact our planned giving team.
View sample bequest language to include Orlando Health in your will or trust.
Beneficiary Designations
Make Orlando Health as a beneficiary of one of your assets.
Revocable Living Trusts
Learn the benefits of a revocable living trust.
Bequests: Make a Gift Through Your Will or Trust
The most popular way to make a legacy gift is through a will or living trust for a set amount, a percentage of the estate, or the residual of the estate. Help provide a future of medical excellence for the children and families we serve by including a provision in your will or trust for one of our Orlando Health programs or facilities.
If you have already left Orlando Health in your will, or if you plan to do so, please let us know so we can show our appreciation and better plan for the future.
Beneficiary Designations
Naming Orlando Health as beneficiary of a retirement account, donor-advised fund or life insurance policy is an easy, no-cost way to create a legacy gift that will provide for Central Florida’s future generations.
Revocable Living Trusts
Estate planning is rarely a one-size fits-all solution. Establishing a revocable living trust has many benefits including the ability to avoid probate, quickly transfer your assets, keep your estate private and retain control of your assets.
Explore the Impact
Watch this video to explore three ways you can make an impact at Orlando Health.

Meet our Planned Giving Team
The Orlando Health Planned Giving Team is here to help you fulfill your philanthropic vision. We thank you for your support. To reach our team, contact us below.
(pictured L-R: Matt Lilly, Sr. Vice President. Tiffany Collier, Vice President. Lizzy Moyer, Sr. Manager)