William J. And Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation awards $30,000 grant to the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC)
Through the CAC’s therapeutic component, The Healing Tree, approximately 30 victims of child abuse and their families with therapy for a one-year period.
The focus of the William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Foundation's work is on the family. Four generations of the O’Neill family work in collaboration and partnership to improve the quality of life for families and communities in which O'Neill family members live and are engaged in the work of the Foundation.
Thanks to the O’Neil family, the CAC can continue to help families heal, minimize the long-term consequences of abuse, and receive high-quality care without any concerns about cost.
Without treatment, children who are abused can suffer long-term repercussions like substance abuse, suicide, criminal behaviors and health problems which increase the cost to society for mental health services, special education, adult criminal justice system services and loss of productive employment throughout their lifetimes.
However, with expert family- and trauma-focused therapy, The Healing Tree clients can and do heal and live healthy and productive lives. At The Healing Tree, both child and caregiver gain coping skills and build their resiliency as they heal, breaking intergenerational patterns of abuse and creating a cohesive and healthy relationship among all members of the family.