
Healing Happens Here

If you travel near Orlando Health’s downtown campus and its surroundings, chances are you’ve driven by a brightly colored and decorated building on Michigan Street many times. But do you know about the impactful work that takes place inside The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families?

If you travel near Orlando Health’s downtown campus and its surroundings, chances are you’ve driven by a brightly colored and decorated building on Michigan Street many times. But do you know about the impactful work that takes place inside The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families?

The Howard Phillips Center provides dignity and healing for children and families who face overwhelming challenges like child abuse, developmental delays and lack of access to medical care.

The services of identification, treatment and prevention provided at The Howard Phillips Center help children, heal families and strengthen our community. The programs offered include: The Children’s Advocacy Center, The Child Protection Team, The Healing Tree, Teen Xpress, Healthy Families Orange and Osceola as well as The Developmental Center for Infants & Children/Early Steps. 

You’re invited to See the Story... at The Howard Phillips Center. Tours, which include firsthand stories about the identification, treatment and prevention services provided, are offered regularly. To join a tour, visit or contact Amy Drury, Director of Development, at 321.841.8285.