
Go Blue for The Howard Phillips Center!

This April, you are invited to ‘Go Blue’ and help prevent child abuse and spread awareness for Autism.

With the month dedicated to both of these causes treated and served by The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families, more people in Central Florida need to be educated about these subjects that affect our community.

Did you know that most victims of child abuse know their abusers, or that boys are four times more likely to have Autism than girls? How about that early detection and intervention helps both child abuse victims and children diagnosed with Autism?

To help The Howard Phillips Center reach more children and families affected by child abuse and Autism, make a secure online donation at:

Education and Resources
To learn more about the ways you can help spread the word, or educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of child abuse or Autism, share the attached informational fliers, or visit the following websites:

Visit Us
We invite you to see the story by taking a one-hour tour of The Howard Phillips Center. Step behind the scenes to hear firsthand stories of identification, treatment and prevention direct from caregivers, organizational leadership, grateful families and volunteers. You can join one of our scheduled tours or host a group tour for you, friends, family or colleagues by contacting Amy Drury at 321.841.8285 or [email protected]