Corporate Partner Spotlight: Kohl's
Kohl's has partnered with Arnold Palmer Medical Center for almost ten years and provided more than $1.9 million to support programs and initiatives that benefit children and families.
For nearly ten years, Kohl’s has been a steadfast philanthropic partner to Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies. The partnership began in 2007 through the Kohl’s Cares philanthropic program, which supports children’s health and education initiatives in the communities they serve. Through the sales of their Kohl’s Cares merchandise, they have provided more than $1.9 million to support Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies.
Associates in Action: Kohl’s Associates donate their personal time to make a difference by volunteering with youth-serving, nonprofit organizations. To qualify for an Associates in Action $500 grant, a minimum of five Kohl’s Associates from one Kohl’s location volunteer for three consecutive hours. Since 2007, Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Orlando Health Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies has benefited from the Associates in Action program by receiving $158,000 in grants from associates participating in
316 volunteer events which equals 4,740 volunteer hours.
Kohl’s Play It Forward: This program is designed to meet the growing needs of active children in the Central Florida community. Through Kohl’s Play It Forward, Arnold Palmer Hospital sends sports medicine professionals into the community to instruct coaches, parents and children on safe training and play techniques, how to decrease risk of injury and how to treat minor injuries. Certified athletic trainers provide a large number of injury prevention education events and CPR training for youth athletes, coaches and parents. To learn more, visit
“It’s truly amazing to see how the Injury Prevention Program comes to life. Watching the trainers educate our young athletes, parents and coaches on proper running, jumping and stretching really hits home. Both my kids play competitive sports and injury is something a parent always thinks about. If this program prevents just one major injury, it’s a success,” says John Baldauf, Kohl’s Clermont Store Manager and Associates in Action lead. “Being a proud partner with Arnold Palmer Hospital since 2007, it’s rewarding to see how Kohl’s donations are put to use. I couldn’t be more impressed with Arnold Palmer Hospital and their teams.”