
Children’s Miracle Network Partners Celebrate Milestones

Celebrating 35 Years of Partnership with Costco

Costco team

For 35 years, Costco has remained committed to supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through their annual fundraising efforts. Each May, this commitment is embraced by all Costco locations across the country including our very own Central Florida locations that support Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children.

This year we were excited to welcome two new Costco teams to join in the efforts – a new warehouse in Melbourne and the logistics center in Orlando.

Throughout the month of May, team members worked together, and different departments united, to host potlucks, fun competitions, dance breakouts in-store and more! Warehouses even engaged local businesses by inviting them to make contributions of all sizes to Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. The energy in each location was contagious as teams celebrated each donation from their members with cowbells and handclappers.

Together, with the support of their members, business partners and associates, the teams at Costco had their highest fundraising year yet raising over $240,000 for Orlando Health Arnold Palmer. Our gratitude goes out to the Costco teams and the many members who supported their efforts. Together we are building a better tomorrow for the patients treated at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer.

Publix Celebrates 30 Years of Miracles

Publix team

Since its founding in 1930, Publix has had a long-standing tradition of being a company the community can count on. A proud partner of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals since 1992, Publix has raised more than $5.5 million in Central Florida since the partnership began.

For 30 years, Publix associates and customers have come together to make a difference in the lives of children in our community in awe-inspiring ways, and this year was no different. When you shopped in stores June 1-12, you could feel the excitement as associates rallied their customers and joined forces to change kids’ health. From wearing superhero capes to ringing bells, associates celebrated each donation they received knowing lives were going to be changed. Over the course of 12 days, more than $405,000 was raised for Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. We’re grateful for our 30 years of partnership and the countless miracles that have been made possible for our patients and their families.

We’re proud to call Publix a partner and friend and extend our deepest appreciation to the many generous associates and customers for their genuine care and concern for our patients.